Grassworks Weed Wiper

Grassworks Weed Wiper

GrassWorks Weed Wiper LLC has over 35 years of combined experience in the farming industry in commercial hay operation, cattle grazing operation and truck farming. As full time farmers, we have full respect for the agricultural industry, from the financing, marketing to harvesting of crops, animals and produce.

How it Works

Each weed wiper includes a steel roller wetted by means of a 12 volt pump. The roller is covered with an absorbent, carpet type material which ensures maximum chemical transfer to the weeds while preventing drips to surrounding pasture grasses.

As the roller passes over the weeds, the touch of the plant releases herbicide from the absorbent cover.

Larger plants exert more pressure and receive a proportionately larger dose. As the stem presses herbicide runs down the stems of large plantson the roller passing over, the released herbicide runs down the stem creating excellent coverage. When travel speed is correctly set, the rotating roller will not physically damage the weeds allowing evapo-transpiration to continue and quickly move herbicide to the roots resulting in more thorough eradication.

A relatively weak mix (20:1 water to Roundup) applied in this manner is sufficient to create the slow kill, known to be most desirable.


Tractor Model

Heavy Duty Model


The Pull-Type comes in a variety of sizes to suit your specific needs. Standard sizes carried in stock are 6', 10', 12' and 15'. Customized sizes may also available upon request.

 Tractor Model

The tractor mounted model is an option for those who prefer this style. This model comes in a variety of sizes and can be made to order.

 Heavy Duty Model

Heavy Duty Units designed for larger operations, contractors or rental units.

To learn more about the Grassworks Weed Wiper call 1-888-80-WIPER



Russell, MB
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